Various material available
Listen and download Jääportit material released on compilation albums during the years with the following music player or visit Jääportit page at BandCamp Tracks “Sydänyön samooja syvällä unten mailla ja […]
Cities in Motion – Game soundtrack
This barely has nothing to do with Jääportit but we thought that it might be interesting for some of you. Tuomas has created some music for a soundtrack of Finnish […]
Yogsothery now available
We have received our copies of the Yogsothery compilation album. Order yours from us for the meager sacrifice of 10 EUR (includes planetwide postage). Take contact to us via email […]
YOGSOTHERY compilation album out on November 15th 2010
Finally, the time has come for I, Voidhanger Records to inaugurate its series of special thematic releases centered on the osmotic relationship between metal and Literature. Out on November 15th, […]
Lovecraftian tribute-album
Finally some great news about long-waited compilation album paying tribute to the writer H. P. Lovecraft. It will be released after all by I, Voidhanger Records – obscure metal underground […]
Fan Video of Transforming Aegis
Our fan called Hartsword made a video of our song Muuntuva suoja (Transforming Aegis). He said that “the materials I have used were from BBC series of Planet Earth. I […]